Executive Board
Current Executive Committee : (2022 – 2026)

Prakash Raj Regmi
Prof. Dr. Prakash Raj Regmi completed his master degree in Cardiology in 1987. He is a Fellow of American College of Cardiology and has served as a senior consultant cardiologist under the ministry of health and also the professor and head of cardiology at the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir hospital. Currently he is the head of Cardiology at Star hospital. His field of interest is preventive medicine and has put tremendous efforts in advocacy, awareness and training in Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and Non communicable diseases. He is the founder President of Nepal NCD Alliance. He has served as the National President of Nepal Heart foundation. He is the Executive director of the Nepal RHD Control program which is a joint program of the Government of Nepal and Nepal Heart Foundation. He has also served as the chairman of the Nepal Heart Network. Dr. Regmi has worked for NCDs prevention as a team leader with several international partners such as World heart federation, Australian Aid, Medtronic Philanthropy, Edwards Lifesciences Foundation and Rotary International.

Shanta Lall Mulmi
Mr. Mulmi has been involved in health and development issues for the last four decades. He spent 10 years as OXFAM Representative in Nepal. He was founding member of NGO Federation of Nepal, National Focal Person of IHP+ (International Health Partnership). He was awarded “World No Tobacco Day Award” by WHO in 2007. Presently, he is Advisor to the NGO Federation of Nepal, Co-President of Nepal NCD Alliance. He was also appointed member in High Level Technical Committee of MoHP for drafting Nepal Health Sector Implementation Plan and also Alcohol Control & Regulation Law.

Abhinav Vaidya
Dr. Vaidya is Professor of Community Medicine at Kathmandu Medical College. He holds bachelor’s degree in medicine from Bangladesh, MD in Community Medicine from BPKIHS, Nepal, and PhD in Medical Sciences from Sweden. With a career objective of contributing towards NCD control and prevention in Nepal, he has been involved in NCD-related research, academics, policy-development, projects, advocacy, and health promotion. He was actively involved in formulation of Nepal’s Multisectoral action plan on prevention and control of NCDs. He is an active member of Nepal Hypertension Society. He is also a Commissioner for Lancet-commissioned NCDI Poverty Commission and a co investigator in a NIH-funded Translational Research Capacity Building Initiate to Address CVDs in Nepal.

Kishore K Pradhananga
General Secretary
Mr. Pradhananga has been working on different health sector since 37 years. He completed Master degree in Public Health from Dhaka University in 1998. He has also completed Doctor of Naturopathy and Doctor of Yoga from Gorakhapur, India in 1995. Currently, he is working as Head of Cancer Prevention Control and Research Department at BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur, Chitwan. He started Nepal Cancer Registry program in 1985, Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap smear test) program in 1998 and VIA screening program for the first time in Nepal. He is a UICC fellow of Cancer Prevention and Control from Cancer Council, Adelaide, Australia in 2001. He has studied Diploma in Cancer and Molecular Prevention and Control from National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA in 2004. He also studied International course in Epidemiological research in Nutrition and Cancer from IARC, Lyon, France in 2003, and did fellowship of Cancer Registry training from National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan in 2009. He received training on Cancer Registration and Descriptive Epidemiology from TATA hospital, Mumbai, India. He also studied Cancer Prevention and Screening from National Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea in 2012. He attended 1st Global NCD Alliance Forum at Sarjaha, UAE in 2015. He has published various cancer related articles in international and national journals as an author and co-author. He also has published a book on Introduction to Cancer in Nepali language. He is advisor of Cancer Council Nepal and founder member of Nepal NCD Alliance.

Uttama Shrestha

Shiva Shrestha

Saroj Dhungel

Ram Prasad Neupane
Media Coordinator
Ram Prasad Neupane is a journalist by Profession. He started writing in Health Bit since 8 Years. He is working as editor of online Health news portal www.nepalihealth.com and also as Chief Secretary of Health Journalist forum Nepal, a common institute of journalist working on health field. Mr. Neupane has completed his Bachelor’s degree in Management. He has participated in many national and international trainings. Mr. Neupane is one of the founding members and currently Treasurer of Nepal NCD Alliance which was established in 2013 AD. His Main field of writing in health bit is non communicable disease and controlling of consumption of tobacco related product. He has participated in Global NCD Alliance Forum 2017 and many other conferences about tobacco and health.